
Finding The Right Vet

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Finding The Right Vet

After my dog started having health problems, I decided that I needed to take his medical care more seriously. Instead of simply taking him to the cheapest clinic, I started looking around for a veterinarian that actually specialized in his symptoms. I was able to find an excellent doctor that actually understood what my pet was going through, and it was a huge relief. The doctor was able to treat my little friend's condition, and he gradually recovered. This blog is all about the importance of taking your pet to the right veterinarian, not just the most convenient one. You never know, it could save your pet's life.

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8 Signs That Your Dog Is Pregnant

If you have a female dog that is not spayed, you may be wondering whether or not it is pregnant. Here are a few signs that your pet may be expecting a litter of puppies:

Your dog eats more or less.

At different times during its pregnancy, your dog's appetite will fluctuate. During the earliest stages of pregnancy, hormonal changes may cause your dog to eat less than it normally does. Your pet may even experience bouts of morning sickness. However, as the puppies inside the womb begin to grow, the dog's appetite may increase to meet the additional nutritional needs. 

Your dog does not menstruate.

Instead of menstruating, your dog will secrete a clear discharge from its vaginal area during pregnancy. The appearance of the discharge will be similar to that of clear mucus.

You can feel puppies moving.

Just as you can feel the movement of a human fetus in the womb, you may be able to place your hand on your dog's belly and feel the movement of the puppies. 

Your dog's waistline is expanding.

At first, your dog will probably not look any different than it did before it conceived. However, as the animal nears its due date, its belly will expand. Still, additional growth is not a true affirmation of pregnancy, since your dog could simply be gaining weight.

The size of your dog's nipples is growing.

If your dog's nipples seem to be expanding in size, it could be a sign of pregnancy. The increase in nipple size is in preparation for the lactation that will follow delivery.


If your dog seems unusually irritable or has other behavioral changes, it could be associated with pregnancy. Just as humans sometimes experience personality changes during pregnancy, a dog can too.


You may also notice that your dog seems more tired than usual. This is due to hormonal changes coupled with the increased nutritional demands of growing puppies.


A dog may start to prepare an area for its coming puppies. It may organize its bedding or be particular when it comes to what is brought into its personal space.

The only sure way to know whether or not your dog is pregnant is to take it to the veterinarian. After only a few weeks of pregnancy, the veterinarian will likely be able to feel the growing uterus inside the dog's belly. In addition, an ultrasound may be used to confirm the pregnancy and to display the number of puppies that your dog is carrying.

If you suspect that your dog is pregnant, take it to a veterinary hospital for confirmation. To learn more, speak with a business like Stewartstown Vet Services.